Thursday, April 2, 2015

Big news, baby...

Okay, I think that it is now safe to talk about the other, er, "project" I've had in the works for a couple months now...the news is out, so I might as well release it on this blog too.

So.  Guess what this is.

This, my friends, is my, creation!  Due to arrive in October.  Yep.  I'm pregnant.  (It's for real!  I had to post this today and not yesterday because the timing would have been...bad.)
More boring stuff about that under the cut...
My husband and I had planned on this for a fact, it's why we bought our new house, because it has more space for a new addition.  I got the big ol' positive pregnancy test in mid-February, and over the last few weeks we've been telling our family and people we know about it, since I'm at twelve weeks, my blood tests all came back normal, and we're in "the safe zone" as it were (knock on wood).

Still, you never know how exhausting it is to be pregnant until you're there.  I pretty much have to budget out half an hour to an hour of time to nap every day, which has really cut into my productivity.  Although thankfully, I didn't have morning sickness.  Yay!

No, this does not mean I'll be expanding into baby portraits as well as pet portraits.  Because honestly, babies are hard to draw and not have them come out weird-looking.  Of course, some babies ARE weird-looking, but I've just never been able to really capture the likenesses of any kid under two, try though I might.  I probably won't be able to draw mine, either.  Besides, based on my baby pictures, my kid will probably look like the baby troll from David the Gnome.

It's very cute, just...very hairy also.

I might, however, try my hand at some nursery art, both for our nursery and to offer as prints.  I've had an idea for a while about offering custom baby name art (maybe like this, but handpainted?), and I might just have to enact that idea now.  Plus we're thinking of painting a nursery mural. (My stepson wants it to be Star Wars, I was thinking more jungle animals...we'll compromise.)  

So there will continue to be exciting artistic developments as the months progress, fear not!  I will try not to make this blog, or my art, the All Baby All The Time zone.  I will probably take off a month or two after the birth, but then, I plan to slowly resume normal operations.

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