Monday, August 18, 2014

Inspired Monday: ink splash!

So today is the day that I hang my show at the Southern Arizona Watercolor fact, at the time that this post goes up, I will probably be heading over there to do exactly that!  If you're in the Tucson area, come see it, I'll be up through mid-October there! (And in September, probably changing out some paintings for new ones too)

In honor of that exhibition, here's a watercolor-themed Inspired Monday:

Image from's the paint splatters that really make this one real for me.

...watercolor tattoos!
I really love this style of tattooing, and it's become quite popular lately.  Although I have three tattoos, I don't have any quite like this...

by Mikhail Archangel
image from here

After looking at these pictures, though, I kind of want one of these.  And it would be especially meaningful for me since I actually am a watercolorist, it wouldn't just be for the aesthetic value. (Although it would be for aesthetics too...and not that there's anything wrong with getting tattoos that are more aesthetic than meaningful, either.)

by Steve Dunford
by Ondrash
I don't know how they capture the fragility and deftness of watercolor brushstrokes in the very, very different medium of tattooing...but man, do they ever do a good job of it.

by Korey Karagรถzler

by Joe Wright
I love these abstract ones too...hey, maybe I should get my watercolor palette as a tattoo! (Kidding, Mom, if you're reading this!) (Probably.)

What style of tattoos do you like?  Any art-related tattoos that you'd get?  Discuss in the comments below!

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