Monday, August 4, 2014

Inspired Monday: for color junkies who need to mainline art

This Inspired Monday's link could make my Inspired Monday obsolete, I have to admit...because this is a site that packs SO much inspiring material into every day that y'all could just go there for your art fix, you don't need me anymore!  Because this week, I am introducing you to FOLT BOLT.

Art by Beci of the many fabulous things you can find via Folt Bolt.
Folt Bolt is, basically, a treasure trove of artists, jewelry makers, accessory crafters, and other outstanding artisans.  They have a Facebook and a website, both of which seem to be updated daily.  Artists can submit their portfolio to be featured, and it's all curated by Hungarian artist Kriszta Kemeny.  The art featured is quite eclectic, but tends to have lots of color, clever patterns, and funky, impressionistic styles, such as...

 Sometimes jewelry...

Polymer clay neck piece by Anarina Anar...I've been obsessed with this ever since I saw it on Folt Bolt's Facebook!
 Or other accessories...

By Maine Coon Crafts
 It's impossible to show you the variety of cool stuff that Folt Bolt posts...needless to say my Etsy wishlist has grown by leaps and bounds since I started following Folt Bolt on Facebook.

But it's not all things to buy, sometimes it's just general inspiring stuff.  On the Facebook page, you can see street art (murals, artistic grafitti, sidewalk chalk masterpieces), photographs with beautiful colors, folk art, textiles, fashion, and paintings with color palettes to make Monet envious.


If you're an artist, or even if you just like to look at beautiful pictures, follow Folt Bolt on Facebook.  If nothing else, it certainly provides a welcome daily relief from the quizzes, depressing news articles, and usual Facebook drivel that ends up clogging your news feed.  And don't we all need a bit of positivity, and to look at pretty things once in a while?  Yes, we do.

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