Thursday, July 10, 2014

Nothing to wine about.

People like wine, right?  Most people, although I know not all people...but even if you don't, you know someone who LOVES wine.  So here's a promo for you: buy one of my art prints, and get a $100 gift certificate for wine as a free bonus.


Took me a while to find a piece of art I've done with wine in it!  This one is super old, but I do like the colors...
There's some more details here, including information about the wine company that's giving the gift certificates, the terms and conditions, and blah blah...but the main point is, BUY ART AND GET FREE WINE!  

Heck, I might even buy a print from some other artist in order to take advantage of this deal myself...and it's only during the month of July, from what I can see, so go get it!

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