Saturday, April 12, 2014

Studio dreaming...

Lately, I've been trying to get more into the local art scene here in Tucson, so I've been visiting arts festivals and galleries, trying to see which would be good venues for my art.  So a couple days ago, I visited the lovely Monterey Court...

photo by A.E. Araiza
And there was an intriguing sign in one of the windows: "Gallery/Studio space for rent."

I'm not at the point where I would want to rent my own studio or gallery space, I don't think...but when I see spaces like this, I can't help but think, "man, that would be fun."  Maybe because at my last job, we moved to a new studio this year, and we got to set it up, decorate it, put up displays of our products, and it was SO much fun.  I would love to outfit a studio/gallery with furniture, decor, and most importantly art that I love, things that inspire me and give customers an idea of my aesthetic.

And, if it were bigger than my home studio, I could also have room for a better organizational system, space to store all my paintings, supplies, prints, and everything.  Plus, there's the feeling of purpose that comes with working outside the home.  At my home studio, I can get distracted by doing laundry, playing with the dogs, going to get snacks...but when I go to a non-home place to work, then I'm Going To Work.  It would feel good to have an actual location, that was mine but also a public showroom, where I could go in a few days a week and just work on my stuff.

Ooh, here's the other place I would want to office, if I could afford to:

image courtesy of The Historic Y
The Historic YMCA, near downtown Tucson, just a block from the new streetcar line and the ever-so-bohemian Fourth Avenue area.  I used to take acting classes in this building and I love it, and the area.  I check their website every so often and see what's coming available for rent...but I couldn't afford a big enough space right now.  It would be awesome, though.

 I would want to have a fun, funky studio like Farmgirl Paints...

It's a chalkboard wall!  How cool is that?  See more at Young House Love
And I saw this jewelry studio on Pinterest recently and I thought it looked really well-organized and like a great space to work:

Beaded Art Jewelry
But if I stay at my home studio, man, how cool would this fold-out craft table/storage cabinet be?

from here, by Bubble Wrapp'd
Sadly, I don't think we even have space for a fold-out craft table in here...unless we move tons of junk out of the studio.  Maybe someday...I can still dream about it.


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